Friday, 24 August 2018


There is nothing nicer than a bit of freshly baked cake .... still warm, a cup of tea and a chat with a friend. That is one of my favourite things. Slow living allows you to do all three in a calm and relaxed atmosphere. I think slow living does not mean you sit around all day. Rather its about taking time to do the things you love. Not over booking your life and filling it with too many things to do, However some people seem to thrive on that fast paced living. Me I am naturally slow. Maybe I was a snail in my previous life. That would account for my snail paced approach to blogging. Anyway without anymore blah blah blah here is the recipe so you can enjoy it during a slow moment. 


Waste - glass milk container ... recyclable
Compost - egg shell and paper wrapping from butter

2 Eggs
1/4 teaspoon of salt
1 cup of sugar
1 cup of milk
2 cups self raising flour
2 tablespoons of melted butter
1 tablespoon sugar (extra for sprinkling)
1 teaspoon of cinnamon (also for sprinkling)


1. Separate eggs and place whites in a bowl and yolks in a cup for later
2. Add the salt to the egg whites and beat together until they form soft peaks
3. Gradually add the sugar and beat well
4. Sift in flour and add melted butter
5. Pour into a cake tin approx 20cm
6. Sprinkle the cinnamon and sugar over the top
7. Bake in a moderate oven for 50 - 60 minutes.
8. You can turn it into apple tea cake by finely slicing an apple and putting that on top of the cake             before you add the cinnamon and sugar.

So there it is a quick and easy cake that you can share with a friend or by yourself in  a slow moment of your day. Enjoy. Thanks for stopping by ......  Eco Granny.

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