Tuesday, 14 November 2017


I cook ninety-five percent of our food from scratch and people often say to me that they don't have time to cook their food. The other day I cooked this banana cake and it took me less time to prepare it than it would to get into the car and drive to shop to buy one. Not to mention the fact that the cake purchased from the shop would have been wrapped in plastic. I think the whole cooking things yourself has become a mental block for some people who don't realise that is not that hard to create your own food from scratch. It took me ten minutes to make the cake mix and I used a food processor to mix it together. The time it took to actually bake was longer but I was sipping my tea while waiting for it to be ready to eat.

BANANA CAKE (recipe from Everyday Cookery by Helen Bunney)
Waste produced - organic waste was composted
Flour bag, sugar bag - (paper recyclable) 
Butter wrapping - not recyclable but re-usable (see blog of Gippslandunwrapped for this information)

6 tablespoons butter
3/4 cup of sugar
2 eggs
3 medium bananas (better if they are old and soft)
2 cups self raising flour
pinch salt
1/2 teaspoon bicarbonate soda
2 tablespoons milk


1. Beat butter and sugar to a cream
2. Add lightly beaten eggs
3. Peel and mash bananas and add to the mix
4. Sift flour and bicarbonate soda together
5. Fold in dry ingredients alternately with the milk to form a soft dough (I just sifted into the food processor add the milk and mixed it)
6. Spoon mixture into two greased and lined 18cm sandwich tin. (I put mine into my bread loaf baking tin)
7. Bake in a moderate oven for 25 to 30 mins
8. Cool on a wire rack 
9. When cold, fill with whipped cream and sprinkle to top with icing  sugar (didn't do this bit at all)

We enjoyed or banana cake on the back deck with a cup of tea and visits from our children ..... time taken to eat it .... about five minutes ..... and thanks for stopping by Eco Granny.

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