Saturday, 28 October 2017

Potato and Leek Pie

I am not one of those food bloggers that creates their own recipes. Most of what I cook comes from another source. I don't do photos with fancy lighting or filters. The photos are taken on my kitchen table so they are true to life in how they look. Sometimes the food is a bit 'rustic' which is my way of saying its not perfect to look at but it always tastes good and no one has refused to eat anything so far. I am a simple cook using everyday ingredients that are easy for me to source. The pastry for this pie comes from a book called 'Everyday Cookery' by Helen Bunney this book was a school text book back in Old Granny's day. It is so rare to find this book because anyone that has one keeps it forever! It has all the good old fashioned basics in it and it is my number one cookbook.  However I have created the filling for this pie myself. I have cooked it a few times and everyone loves it. It is a very cheap meal to make and fills up the tummy quite well.  NOTE - Cook the filling first and the pastry second.

POTATO AND LEEK PIE (recipe pastry from Everyday Cookery, filling from Me)
Makes one large pie and on this day made two little pot pies.
Waste produced - plastic from cheese, carton from cream
Composted all peelings

1 cup of plain flour
1 cup of self raising flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
6 shortening (I use butter)
80ml cold water (I use more water than this adding in 20 ml increments until I get the right consistency)

1. Sift flour into a bowl
2. Add salt
3. Add butter and rub the butter through the flour until the butter is rubbed all the way through
4. Make a well in the middle of the mixture and pour in the water.
5. Using a knife cut through and through mixing the water into the flour
6. I usually then mix it through with my hand to ensure it has a good consistency
7. If it is too dry and crumbly I add more water until the dough is able to be moulded in my hands          and stay together
8. Turn out onto a floured board and roll it out using a rolling pin

800 grams Leeks
800 grams Potato's 
1 egg
1 cup of cheese (any cheese I use hard cheese of Parmesan cheese)
1 cup of cream (use more if you would like a creamier filling)
1/2 cup of water
2 tablespoons butter

1. Cut up the Leeks and the potatoes
2. Put some butter into a pan and add the Leeks and Potato
3. Stir for about ten minutes and add the water
4. Simmer until the potato begins to soften 
5. Add the egg, cream and cheese and stir through until the cheese has melted
6. You can add more water or cream depending on the consistency that you would like.
    If your mixture is too wet it will make the pastry soft and if its too dry it will not be as tasty. 
    This part is trial and error and personal taste.
7. Set the mixture aside to cool. I put mine in the fridge. 
8. When cooled add to the pastry and put a top on it.
9. Brush milk on the top of the pastry and bake in a moderate over until golden brown.

This can be served as a stand alone meal or you can add vegetables or a salad on the side. This one has become a family favourite ............. thanks for stopping by Eco Granny. 

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