Saturday, 14 July 2018


Part of trying to live waste free is not wasting resources and those resources include the food that we purchase. Apparently for every five bags of groceries people buy one bag goes to the bin as food that has not been eaten and then thrown away. We have been trying hard to limit our waste by making meal plans and eating down our food  before we buy anymore. So with nothing much in the fridge I decided to cook up the three carrots we had left and make some lovely soup. Its winter here so that is a bonus. Perfect soup eating weather. This recipe is so simple and easy even Eco Pop could cook it. Yes he could ..... ah but would he .....I think not!

Waste - paper around stock cube.
Composted - onion and garlic skins.

Three large carrots or (1kg)
One cup of dried lentils or (200grams)
Three cloves of garlic
One brown onion
Two teaspoons of grated ginger
A pinch of nutmeg
Half a teaspoon of cinnamon
One stock cube and four cups of water OR
Four cups of vegetable stock


1. Cut up onion and garlic
2. Dice Carrot into about one inch bits (you don't have to be fussy)
3. Heat oil in a saucepan and add onion, garlic, ginger, nutmeg, and cinnamon
4. Add some salt and pepper
5. Cook on a low heat until the onion becomes a little bit soft
6. Then add carrots, lentils, stock cube and water (or vegetable stock) add more water during cooking if required. 
7. Cook on a low heat until soft.
8. Allow to cool then blend up until it is smooth.
9. Serve with crusty bread. 
10. A dollop of cream and a bit of parsley make it look a bit special.

This soup was very tasty and so easy to make. The dollop of cream came from the top of our bottle of milk and the parsley was from our parsley pot on the back deck. If you make it I hope you enjoy it as much as we did.  Thanks for stopping by ........ Eco Granny.